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Last Meals Before Lent

Writer: St. Matthew's BlogSt. Matthew's Blog

Originally posted on February 10, 2013 by Rev. Rob Merola on DaddyRoBlog.

Burrito sitting on table with slices of lime

There are now 6 meals until Ash Wednesday begins (and remember that for those who observe the season of Lent, Ash Wednesday is traditionally a day of fasting). I’m trying to work my favorite foods into the time remaining, so tonight we went to Los Toltecos for dinner.

While there, we saw a commercial featuring Terry Bradshaw. Linda asked, “Wasn’t he the guy in the naked room?” This is the man who played for the Pittsburgh Steelers and won four Super Bowls in six seasons. It just goes to show, we never know how we are going to be remembered.

*** *** ***

After Los Toltecos we went to Safeway for ice cream. I was talking with the cashier while we were checking out. “I gotta stock up before Lent,” I said. “This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday.” (Do you see a theme here?)

The woman in front of us turned around at looked at me in horror. “Really?” she asked.

“Afraid so,” I replied.

“I’m going to die,” she said.

I know the feeling. But that’s sort of the point, actually—dying to self that we might live a new life of Love. So… what are you giving up for Lent this year?


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