We know that going to church or to a new church for the first time can be nerve-racking. We want to help make your first experience a great one!
Upon arrival, you will be greeted by one of our wonderful ushers at the front doors of the church. They will welcome you, answer any questions you may have, help you find a seat, and show you and your children where our Sunday Children's Programming (affectionately called Fatih Factory) classrooms are.
Every week at St. Matthew's you will hear a relevant, dynamic, and thought-provoking message that offers practical ways to use faith in your life. Each of our services offers something unique.
8 AM
Offers peaceful worship, prayer, includes scripture readings from the Old and New Testament, a Gospel reading, sermon, and communion.
9:30 AM
Our festival worship service with a live band. Enjoy a variety of worship and secular music. Each service includes prayer, a Gospel reading, a weekly message, and communion.
11 AM
Our most traditional Episcopal service with choir. This service includes prayer, readings from the Old and New Testament, a Gospel reading, sermon, and communion.
We believe children & youth are the church of today, and offer a variety of programs for all ages.
When you arrive at St. Matthew's, our greeters will welcome you and your family, direct you to our nursery and classrooms, and get your kids settled. After you check your child in, you will return to the sanctuary for worship. Children in Faith Factory during our 9:30 AM service return to worship with their family just before communion, and those in the nursery remain until their parents pick them up.
Our church nursery provides loving care for your littlle ones ages three and under, creating a safe and nurturing environment where they can play, learn, and grow. Care is available during our 9:30 & 11 am services.
Explore our engaging Sunday kids programming, Faith Factory. Offered during our 9:30 service for ages 3 through 5th grade. Your child will enjoy music, prayer, Bible lessons, games and more.
Middle & High Schoolers meet at 9:30 AM for Donuts and Discovery in Classroom 4.
We also host monthly community service events, and casual meet-ups for fun.
What should I wear? Everyone is welcome to come just as they are. We encourage you to come the way that you feel most comfortable. Some of us wear jeans and t-shirts, some of us wear our Sunday best. Wherever you are, whatever you wear, you're welcome here.
Where should I park? Parking is available to the back and side of St. Matthew's. Additional overflow parking is available if needed at the Loudoun County Sheriff Office across the street.
Communion We offer Communion at (almost) every service. If you're new to the Episcopal Church or from a tradition where Communion occurs less frequently, here are some frequently asked questions.
I'm not an Episcopalian, can I take communion? All baptized Christians, regardless of denomination, are welcome to take Communion in the Episcopal Church. If you don't want to receive Communion for any reason, you are still invited to come forward, kneel, and cross your arms over your chest. The priest will say a prayer of blessing for you. If you would like information about baptism, please contact the church office.
Can children take Communion? If they are baptized, yes. Some parents, however, prefer to wait until their children are older. If you do not want your baptized children to receive Communion until a later age, please instruct them to cross their arms over their chest, and the priest will offer them a blessing.
How do I take Communion? After the congregation is invited to receive Communion ("The gifts of God for the people of God"), the ushers will dismiss the congregation, row by row, to come forward and receive Communion. When you're dismissed, please go to the altar rail, kneel (if you're able—some people stand if kneeling is difficult for them), and put your hands out to receive the bread. The bread will be placed in your hands. You then have two choices: some people eat the bread immediately, then when the chalice (cup) of wine is presented, they drink from the cup. Others will hold on to their wafer of bread, then dip it in the wine when it is presented. This is called intinction. They then immediately consume the wafer and wine. After receiving Communion, please return to your pew along the side aisles.
Do you offer Gluten-Free wafers/bread? Yes. We currently offer Gluten-Free (GF) wafers at the altar rail. As you're kneeling, simply tell him "Gluten-free," and they will provide you with a GF wafer.
What if my mobility is impaired? If your mobility is limited or impaired, let an usher know and we will bring Communion to you where you are seated.
Do I have to drink the wine? No. If you do not want to drink the wine, cross your arms over your chest after receiving the bread. This lets the minister know to not offer you wine.