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Support our mission to Know and Share God's Love

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Ways to give

Explore more ways to support St. Matthew's ministries

Donation & Reimbursement Forms


Mother and newborn

Helping a Nurse and her newborn

Sheniqua called the church office this summer, a nurse by trade who fell behind on her rent when she missed work during her pregnancy.

Unfortunately, the child's father left, and without the extra income, she was at risk of being evicted from her home. Because of your gifts, St. Matthew's was able to help with rent, food, and diapers, and refer her to a new mom's support group at Loudoun Hospital.

Stewardship FAQs


What is Stewardship?

In a church context, stewardship means making wise and generous use of our resources to honor God. This includes offering our time (through service and volunteering), our talents (using our skills to further God’s work), and our treasure (financial gifts) to support our mission.

Why Give?

People give for many reasons. Here are some key reasons to consider:

  • We recognize that all things ultimately belong to God—we’re caretakers of His creation.

  • We give from a sense of joy and gratitude for God’s blessings.

  • Our giving expresses devotion to Jesus, reminding us of His ultimate sacrifice.

  • It frees us from reliance on material things.

  • Giving nourishes our spiritual well-being.

  • We reflect on and realign our spending with God’s priorities.

  • Through our giving, we bless others and experience blessings in return.

  • It’s the right thing to do.

  • Our generosity inspires others to give as well.

Why Give to St. Matthew's?

While there are many worthwhile charities, we believe in Saint Matthew’s unique mission: To Live Life to the Fullest in Christ and To Know and Share God’s Love. By combining our resources, we can make a powerful impact on our community and the world.

How much should I give?

Pray: “Lord, what would You have me do?” Let prayer guide your decision on what to give.

  • Consider giving according to the abundance God has provided you.

  • Some follow the Biblical guideline of tithing 10% of their income, but start where you’re comfortable and grow from there.

  • You might begin with a smaller percentage (e.g., 2%, 3%) and gradually increase it.

  • Consider increasing last year’s pledge—either by a percentage or by adding a certain amount each year.

Honor God with everything you own; give Him the first and the best.” – Proverbs 3:9

Where does my gift go?

The Vestry uses pledged funds to plan Saint Matthew’s yearly budget. 100% of your donation goes directly to ministry, including:

  • Maintaining our facilities, which serve not just our congregation but the wider community through programs like scouting, preschool, support groups, and Vacation Bible School.

  • Supporting worship services, outreach, community events, and educational programs.

  • Funding our dedicated staff, who are essential to Saint Matthew’s ministry.

With your support, we can continue to grow our ministry and respond to new needs as God leads us.

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201 E Frederick Drive

Sterling, VA 20164

(703) 430-2121

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